
Uniform Tax Refunds – Police Officers Entitlement

Police Officers up to senior ranks are eligible to claim a special flat rate tax refund of £140 every year. If you pay the basic tax rate of 20% you will save £28 per year by claiming this relief. You are eligible to claim this back for the last 4 years, therefore you could potentially receive a cash refund of £112. The following ranks are eligible to apply: 

  •  Police community support officer (PCSO)
  •  Constable
  •  Sergeant
  •  Inspector
  •  Chief Inspector

All officers in the above ranks can apply and you are also able to apply if you don’t wear a uniform. 


Members of the Police Federation are entitled to claim tax relief on the monthly subscriptions (currently £21.58/month). The tax saving per year is £52, giving you a tax refund of £208 if you have subscribed for the last 4 years.  

Rules are different for the Metropolitan Police, the tax relief for Police Federation is accounted for at source through your payroll.  

Non-Frontline Police employees

If you are not frontline staff and don’t fall into one of the ranks listed above but are required to wear a uniform to work, you could still be eligible for a refund if your employer does not contribute towards the cost of cleaning your uniform.

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